Welcome to my web-home!

Updates & Notices:

  • put up a commission terms page. slowly getting things ready to open comms up! mostly building my confidence... [28/04/2024]

  • tidied up the pentagram splash page so it's not ugly [21/04/24]

  • added spotify playlists to raz & rose's oc pages [18/03/2024]

  • added little "newest art" section bc the empty space was bothering me[10/03/2024]

This site is 18+. While there are no explicit things here, there are suggestive pieces that I have posted in my Gallery. Browse at your own discretion.

About The Artist

My name is Mary! I'm a Filipino-Polish artist based in Canada. I love drawing fanart for my favourite pieces of media, hot demon girls, and sometimes both at the same time! This little space is intended to be a place where you can see all my creative work, and find links to other places I post online.

You can browse my art in the Gallery, or if you prefer, you can visit one of the platforms I've linked on the left. Head over to the Pentagram to check out my OC's shrines, if you're interested!

This site is best viewed on desktop. It already runs on spaghetti code as is- God help you if you're on a phone.

[gallery generated with the help of respectfulfalta's gallery template]

Thank you for visiting me! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Commission Slot Status:

  • All slots closed. Check back another time!

enjoy my art but not able to buy a commission? tip me on kofi!

Please read my commission terms before buying one.


view this in the Gallery!